Stern Pictures
Movie Trailer

The Great Silence


The Great Silence

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Stern Pictures
Movie Trailer

Production Awards


Stern Pictures is the movie’s co-producer

Il Silenzio GrandeThe story is as follows: once a luxurious home but now a creaking old mansion straight out of the pages of a ghost story, the Villa Primic has been put up for sale.  This was a painful decision for Signora Primic (Rose) which was supported by Massimiliano and Adele, the family’s two heirs to the now somewhat reduced fortune.  The only person who was truly unhappy with the decision is Valerio, the head of the family, who soon comes to realize that he’s never really got to know his nearest and dearest – and perhaps, doesn’t even know himself that well as he arrives at the bitter truth that living doesn’t necessarily equate to actually being alive.

Leading the cast are Massimiliano Gallo, Margherita Buy, and Marina Confalone who are also joined by the rising young stars, Antonia Fotaras, (from the TV Series Luna Nera and The Name of the Rose) and Emanuele Linfatti, (The Predators)

